Aftermath Attends the 2016 IHIA Training Symposium

Earlier this month, Aftermath was fortunate to join the International Homicide Investigators Association (IHIA) for the 2016 IHIA Training Symposium. The event was hosted in beautiful New Orleans, LA from July 31st until August 5th. According to the organization’s website, IHIA’s mission is “to provide active support to law enforcement death professionals through leadership, training, networking, and provision of resources and expertise to resolve cases.” In the past, Aftermath has attended this conference under both the Crime Scene Clean-Up (CSCU) and Aftermath brand names. CSCU also helped sponsor the organization last year.

Representing the company were Tony Cusinato, Sr. Manager, Law Enforcement Relations and Stephen Brown, National Director of Business Development. Tony brings his previous law enforcement experience as a retired Illinois police officer, and Stephen oversees Aftermath’s field marketing efforts. Both were excited to spend time speaking with convention goers in the Big Easy.

Attendees came to the conference from all over the US; there was also some representation from outside the country. Visitors attended discussions and presentations on topics such as death investigations, violent crime, and cold cases. They also toured the exhibit area, and met with vendors who specialize in products and services designed to assist law enforcement professionals. Stephen described the tone of the show as positive and receptive in general. He reports: “The most common questions we received were about our locations and response time.”

During the week, detectives who stopped by the Aftermath booth were entered into a drawing for a 5.11 Tactical Bag with PPE kit. The winner was Detective Zientek from the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office in Texas. The team also distributed newly redesigned Aftermath coffee cups.

In addition to presentations and visiting with vendors and other exhibitors, Joe Pistone, better known as “Donny Brasco,” hosted a book signing at this year’s conference.  A retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent turned author, Pistone had a very distinguished career in law enforcement. Many of his books have been turned into movies. During his 27 years on the job, he spent 20 years undercover on many extremely dangerous assignments. His work led to the conviction of more than 220 crime figures.

Outside of the event, there was even more to do and see. An organized ghost tour attracted participants, and many made their way to Bourbon street after conference hours. Even Tony and Stephen managed to pencil in some world-class dining:

Thanks again to IHIA for having us! We look forward to joining you again next year.

Ridgely Dunn

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