Aftermath Attends OACP Conference in Bend, Oregon

On April 9th, Aftermath’s Stephen Brown and Larry Giddings visited Bend, Oregon to attend the 2019 Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police Conference. Over 170 command staff and police chiefs were present at the event, which lasted 3 days and included seminars, training, and a vendor’s area.

Aftermath awarded a door prize as well as a booth giveaway. Chief Scott Anderson of the Happy Valley Police Department was the winner of a 5.11 tactical bag and PPE kit. Congratulations to the winners!

Aftermath is a proud supporter of law enforcement nationwide. We attend conferences like OACP to showcase our services and enable professionals in the law enforcement field to have the information needed to help educate their communities on the risks of biohazards. It was a pleasure to meet so many of the dedicated chiefs and their staff members, who work tirelessly to serve families in the Pacific Northwest.

If you are a member of law enforcement, learn more about our giveaways and grant programs for LE, and discover how we can help you help your community by visiting our website.

Ridgely Dunn

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