Aftermath Helps Sponsor Local First Responder Event

Aftermath representative Jeremy Friedrich endured the winter-like spring weather this weekend in order to answer the call of police, military personnel, and EMTs who gathered at the Harley Davidson in Countryside, IL for a special motorcycle riding class. This was the first time Aftermath attended the yearly event, which offered first responders a chance to learn how to ride from the experts.

As a sponsor, Aftermath invited attendees from area police departments, as well as other local first responders. While at the event, Jeremy answered questions about crime scene cleanup, and brought water bottles to help with hydration while the class was going on. The Countryside Police Department was also on hand, and set up a booth to support the Special Olympics. Jeremy relates: “On the day of the event, mother nature decided to allow hail and snow fall upon us.” Though he reports that the weather did have an impact on the class, it did not stop some riders from testing out their wheels!

Aftermath was well known by the attendees and those who made it were happy for the company’s show of support. As part of the event, Aftermath also gave away a $50 gift card. The lucky winner, pictured above, was Deputy Joe Jackson of the Cook County Sheriff’s Office.

Aftermath would like to thank the Countryside Police Department for their dedication and desire to give back to the community. They are big sponsors of the Special Olympics, a cause that is near and dear to many nationwide. Also, a special shout out to Carlos Apantenco of the Countryside Harley Davidson dealership for helping put together this event.

Aftermath is a proud supporter of first responders nationwide. In addition to providing caring, dedicated biohazard cleanup services for families in need, we also do our part to educate other professionals on the importance of proper cleanup. We regularly host seminars and attend local and national conferences and events, in order to promote bloodborne pathogen awareness, PPE training, and additional safety-focused education. It’s just one way we say thank you to those who already do so much for us, each and every day.

For more information on our services for law enforcement, check out our special webpage.

For immediate assistance nationwide 24/7, call 877-872-4339.

Ridgely Dunn

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