Aftermath Appears on TV Show, Innovations with Ed Begley, Jr.

Innovations is an award-winning television series hosted by actor, director, and environmentalist, Ed Begley Jr. According to the makers, the show is “dedicated to bringing viewers the most up-to-date, cutting edge information across a vast array of industries.” Innovations features practical solutions to widespread and important issues facing consumers and professionals alike.

First Contact

In 2015, the show’s creators reached out to Aftermath Services. They were looking to feature interesting companies who deal with risk management, particularly in the public health arena. As a leader in the biohazard industry, Aftermath Services fit the bill perfectly. After discussing it with our team and with the show’s producers, we began formulating a script to be developed in conjunction with the Innovations team. At the end, it would include an intensive discussion about the company, including our operations and why we are leaders in the biohazard cleanup industry.


The episode was filmed in July at the Aftermath training facility in Oswego, Illinois. The shoot took a full day to complete, and post-production editing required just over three months. According to those on the set, the most challenging part of filming was wearing biohazard suits in middle of summer. Much like being on a job, these suits can get hot very quickly and with even the most basic of movements.

Despite the heat, there were many lively and unusual discussions brought about by the curious nature of the business. We talked about disease and the spread of viruses, and shared personal stories about some familiar and contagious illnesses (norovirus on a cruise ship, norovirus at a family outing, and most common, spread of flu from kids in school). One of the funnier moments came from Karen Gregory of Total Medical Compliance, who participated in the feature as an outside expert on disease; she reminded the crew that germs are all around us and “sometimes you just have to eat some dirt.”

About the Show

Aftermath’s segment is 8 minutes long, and features some of the key players in the Aftermath story. Director of Operations Andrew Whitmarsh discussed the creation of the company and how we operate, while Legal and Compliance Representative Laura McGowan talked about biohazards from a legal/compliance aspect as well as from an Aftermath perspective. The spot also features outside expert Karen Gregory, RN Director of Compliance and Education with TMC, who focuses on the dangers of biohazards, and how businesses and consumers should prepare to handle traumatic situations like communicable disease cleanup, blood cleanup, and other biohazard cleaning.

The episode is mainly geared toward public education and awareness, answering basic questions like what is a biohazard, what are the dangers, and what do you do when you encounter a biohazardous situation. Our message is that biohazardous situations come in all sizes, large and small. Caution should be taken in every situation, and professional assistance should be sought out when possible, to ensure that the situation is contained, cleaned, and disinfected so there is no further risk of exposure.

Where Can I Watch It?

The episode of Innovations featuring Aftermath Services aired for the first time on December 16th, 2015 and is now available online on Vimeo. We understand that 8 minutes is a short amount of time to discuss a complex topic. If you have questions about any of our services, or need immediate cleanup assistance, please call us at 877-872-4339.

Ridgely Dunn

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