What Are Considered Common Bodily Fluids?


Bodily fluids may not be the most pleasant topic, but they are essential to our overall health and bodily functions. Much like the fluids in a car—such as gas, oil, and coolant—each bodily fluid has a critical role to play in keeping us running smoothly.

Here’s a list of the most common bodily fluids and how they contribute to maintaining a healthy, functioning body.

Types of Bodily Fluids

Bodily fluids are essential for transporting nutrients and removing waste from the body’s cells. Here’s a look at some common bodily fluids and their roles:

  1. Blood: Blood defends the body against infection, removes waste from cells, and transports oxygen, hormones, and nutrients to keep the body functioning.
  2. Saliva: Composed mostly of water, saliva contains proteins and minerals that prevent gum disease, tooth decay, and aid in chewing and swallowing.
  3. Semen: In males, semen is released during ejaculation, containing protein, fructose, and other substances that assist in reproduction.
  4. Vaginal Fluids: These fluids, produced in the vagina, contain carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, and beneficial bacteria to maintain a healthy environment.
  5. Mucus: Mucus contains antibodies and enzymes that fight infections and keeps the respiratory system moist and protected.
  6. Urine: Made up mostly of water, urine helps flush toxins, chemicals, and excess water from the body.
  7. Sweat: Sweat is primarily water but also contains salts and waste products. It cools the body and helps regulate temperature.
  8. Tears: Tears help lubricate and protect the eyes, containing water, enzymes, and proteins to fight infection and remove debris.


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Diseases Transmitted Through Bodily Fluids

While bodily fluids play a crucial role in maintaining our health, they can also be carriers of various diseases. Here are some notable examples of diseases transmitted through bodily fluids:

  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): This virus attacks the immune system and can be transmitted through direct contact with infected blood, semen, or vaginal fluids.
  • Hepatitis B: An infectious liver disease that spreads through direct contact with blood, saliva, semen, and vaginal fluids.
  • Hepatitis C: A virus that infects the liver and is primarily spread through direct contact with an infected person’s blood.

Cleaning Up Bodily Fluids

Did you know that individuals can carry hepatitis, HIV, or other diseases without being aware of it? This highlights the importance of treating all bodily fluids as potentially infectious. If you encounter a situation that requires the cleanup of blood or other bodily fluids, it’s often best to consult a professional bioremediation company for assistance.

At Aftermath, we do more than just clean up bodily fluids—we sanitize and completely remediate potential bloodborne pathogens and stains from homes and properties. With nearly 20 years of experience as an industry leader, we offer a comprehensive range of cleaning services for both business and residential customers. Our expertise includes handling cases related to suicide, homicide, personal and industrial accidents, unattended deaths, tear gas incidents, and communicable disease outbreaks.